Fig. S5
Fig. S5
Hair cell development in the regeneration-specific mutants and the expression patterns of the identified genes.
(A-E) Quantification of hair cell development in the mutant embryos carrying the rnpc3la028632 retroviral insertional mutation (A), hspe1hg76 (6 bp deletion) mutation (B), hspa13hg78 (12 bp deletion) mutation (C), smn1fh299 (ENU Y262X) mutation (D), and gemin5hg80 (1 bp deletion) mutation (E). Approximately 10 embryos were analyzed for each data point. The graphs show the mean and s.e.m. The difference between the wild-types and homozygous mutants was not significant (n. s.) for all the mutations, although there was a modest reduction trend in hspa13. (F-J) Whole-mount in situ analysis of the expression of the regeneration genes in TAB-5 wild-type embryos at 4 dpf. Arrows in F-J point to the expression in liver. Arrowheads in J point to the expression of rnpc3 in lateral line neuromasts.