Fig. 1-S1
L. monocytogenes infection during tail wound infection is associated with minimal dissemination and negligible effect on host survival.
(A) Wild-type larvae were wounded (B) or unwounded in presence of mCherry-expressing L. monocytogenes and fixed at indicated time points. 200-micron size z series at 5-micron steps was acquired using Zeiss zoomscope by tile imaging of the whole embryo. Maximal intensity projections of mCherry channel are displayed. Scale bar is 500 micron in whole embryo images, and 100 micron in the zoomed inset. Representative images are shown from three biological replicates; at least 10 embryos were imaged per time point per replicate. (C) an example where L. monocytogenes has disseminated is shown from each biological repeat. (D) Wild-type larvae were wounded in presence of unlabeled L. monocytogenes and survival was monitored. Data represents three biological replicates, where N indicates the total number of embryos pooled from the replicates. Statistical analysis was performed using R version 3.4 ( as previously described (Vincent et al., 2016).