Fig. S4

Figures for Phan et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. S4

Transverse sections of 4dpa of Tg(1117–1+EIeGFP).

Reporter expression of (A) Tg((1117–1)EIand1:eGFP) (n = 2) in vivo at 4dpa. Immunostaining for eGFP in Tg((1117–1)EIand1:eGFP) on consecutive transverse cryosections (B-F). (B) In the most distal region of regenerate, reporter expression occurs in the basal epithelial layer distal to the hemirays. As sections progress proximally, (C-F) reporter expression within basal epithelial layer restricts towards interray region. (E, F) Reporter expression occurs within basal epithelial layer of the interray and the fin ray region closer to the interray (indicated by dotted yellow box). It is absent in middle regions of hemirays. Basal epithelial layer-specific expression is indicated by yellow arrows. Pink star indicates autofluorescence from blood vessels. Scale bars: A = 200μm, B-F = 50μm. n = # of fish from which sections were obtained.

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