Figure 8

Figures for Wang et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Figure 8

Resveratrol treatment activated Mfn2, Fis1, Pink1, and suppressed p-mTOR in aging zebrafish retina. (A-C) Mfn2, Fis1, Pink1 expression in aging and resveratrol-treated aging zebrafish retina. Graphs represent (A)Mfn2 (B) Fis1(C) Pink1 gene expression by quantitative real-time PCR (mean ± SEM, *P<0.05, n=3). (D)Representative western blot showing the protein expression levels of Mfn2,Pink1,p-mTOR in aging and resveratrol-treated aging zebrafish retina. (E)The graph showing the densitometric mean and SEM normalized to the corresponding level of the loading control protein beta-tubulin (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, n=3). (F) Immunolocalization and relative quantitative expression of Pink1 and p-mTOR on RGC in aging and resveratrol-treated aging zebrafish retina cross-sections. Retina cross sections prepared from zebrafish eyes were immunostained with Mfn2 or p-mTOR antibody. Results present aging, resveratrol-treated aging, and negative control (without primary antibody). All photographs were taken at 40 times. aging, 19-23 months zebrafish; aging + RES, resveratrol-treated aging zebrafish for 10 days; NC, negative control; GCL, ganglion cell layer.

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