Figure Caption
Fig. S3
Regulation of Cardiomyocyte Proliferation and Heart Regeneration by
Vitamin D (Related to Figure 3)
(A) Lateral view of cyp24a1mGFP expression in 4 dpf wild-type (WT) and cmlc2:dn-vdra
sibling embryos. The image acquisition exposure was increased for both genotypes to
better visualize cardiac expression (arrowheads). Scale bar, 500 μm.
(B) Lateral view of cyp24a1mGFP expression in 4 dpf WT and cmlc2:ca-vdra sibling
embryos. Images were merged with dim brightfield images to indicate whole embryos.
Arrowheads indicate hearts. Scale bar, 500 μm.
(C) Representative maximum projection images of dissected hearts from 4 dpf
cmlc2:H2A-EGFP larvae in WT, cmlc2:dn-vdra and cmlc2:ca-vdra backgrounds. Scale
bar, 50 μm.
(D) Quantification of CM numbers from hearts of WT, cmlc2:dn-vdra and cmlc2:ca-vdra
embryos. ****p < 0.0001. n = 15 for all groups.
(E) Maximum intensity projection images of cTnT expression in 1 mpf WT and cmlc2:cavdra
hearts. Boxed regions were enlarged in inset or on the right side. Note the massive
growth of both ventricular and atrial cardiomyoctes in cmlc2:ca-vdra hearts.
(F) Quantification of 2 mpf WT and cmlc2:dn-vdra heart-to-body ratio. The ratio was
calculated as area of ventricle (mm2) divides body length (mm). ****p < 0.0001. n = 11,
12 respectively.
(G) Lateral view of cyp24a1mGFP expression in 4 dpf WT, fabp10a:dn-vdra, and
fabp10a:ca-vdra embryos. Note the images were merged with brightfield images to
indicate whole embryos. Arrowheads indicate livers. Scale bar, 500 μm.
(H) Maximum intensity projection images of dissected 4 dpf cmlc2:FUCCI hearts from
fabp10a:dn-vdra or fabp10a:ca-vdra and their wild-type siblings. Scale bar, 50 μm.
(I) Quantification of FUCCI+ CMs for experiments in b. n=15, 14, 14, 12, respectively. ns,
not significant.
(J) Maximum intensity projection images of uninjured and 7 dpa hearts of cyp24a1mGFP
reporter. Arrowheads indicate expression in cardiomyocytes.
(K) Maximum intensity projection images of MHC staining for cyp24a1mGFP reporter
crossed with Z-CAT fish at 7 days post tamoxifen treatment (dpi). Arrowhead indicates
expression in cardiomyocytes and asterisks indicate expression in endocardial cells.
(L) Representative images and quantification of Mef2+PCNA+ nuclei versus total Mef2+
nuclei from wild-type or hsp70:dn-vdra zebrafish at 7 dpa after heat-shock induction
protocols, indicating reduced CM proliferation during heart regeneration. Dashed lines
represent amputation planes. n = 10, 8, respectively. ****p < 0.0001. Scale bar, 100 μm.
(M) Representative images and quantification of proliferation of early postnatal (P7)
mouse CMs cultured and treated with vehicle or calcitriol for 72 hours. cTnT is a marker
of CMs and Ki67 is a nuclear marker of cell proliferation. Arrowheads indicate Ki67+ CM
nuclei. Three biological replicate experiments were performed with three technical
repeats for each concentration. ns, not significant; **p < 0.01.
(N) Confocal images of injured ventricles stained for cTnT (CM) expression from wildtype
(N’) or hsp70:dn-vdra (N’’) zebrafish at 50 dpa following daily heat-shocks
beginning at 6 dpa. n = 8, 11, respectively. Magenta numbers at the bottom right
corners are regeneration scores for Figure 3J.