Fig. 2
Mia40a is essential for survival in zebrafish.
TALENs were used to obtain mia40a and mia40b mutants (A, B). (A) A TALEN was designed to target the locus encoding Phe68 of mia40a. The identified 8 base pair (bp) deletion and the predicted protein product for the mia40abns292 allele are shown (bottom panels). In bold are TALEN arm-recognized DNA sequences. (B) A TALEN targeting the CPC-encoding region of mia40b was used to obtain a mutant with a truncated form of Mia40b. The identified 10 bp deletion leads to a frameshift mutation with a premature stop codon. The predicted protein product for the mia40bbns293 allele is shown (bottom panels). In bold are TALEN arm-recognized DNA sequences. (C) mia40a homozygous mutants do not present any gross morphological defects compared to their siblings at 5 dpf. Scale bar, 500 μm. (D) Homozygous mia40a mutants die during mid-larval to juvenile developmental stages while mia40b mutants survive to adulthood and give rise to progeny. The results are derived from AB or Tg(Xla.Eef1a1:mlsEGFP) genetic background. n: number of analysed individuals.