Fig. 6 Paracrine Compensation by GABA and Modulation of Multiple Independent Pathways in depdc5 Knockout Zebrafish
(A) Swimming activity of 8-dpf larvae treated with muscimol (100 μM), baclofen (100 μM), a combination of both, or vigabatrin (5 mM) with the activity of depdc5+/+ larvae normalized to 100% shows that treatment with vigabatrin can completely rescue hypoactivity, whereas GABA receptor agonists cannot.
(B) Vigabatrin treatment completely rescues PTZ hypersensitivity of 2-dpf depdc5−/− embryos. N = 2, n > 30; Student’s t test, ∗p < 0.05.
(C) Overlap between gene expression datasets from depdc5, gabra1, tsc2, and scn1a mutants. See also Tables S2 and S4.
(D) A representation of the common pathways (axon guidance and GABA synapse) affected in depdc5 and gabra1 knockout brains with the common genes indicated. See also Table S3.