Fig. S5
Myogfh265 and myodfh261 mutation and cyclopamine treatment have little effect on myomaker expression.
ISH for mymk (a,c,e) and myog (b) mRNAs. a. Expression of mymk mRNA is little affected in myogfh265 and myodfh261 mutants at 20 hpf. Note lack of expression in mononucleate slow pioneer fibres (arrowheads). b. ISH for myog showing that mRNA level is reduced in proportion to the loss of fast muscle in myodfh261 mutant at 20 hpf. c. Schematic of CyA (or EtOH vehicle) treatment of embryos from myogkg128/+ incross. Residual mymk mRNA in 22 hpf myogkg128 mutants is downregulated by CyAtreatment. CyA effectiveness is shown by the loss of unstained slow muscle pioneer cells (arrowheads). d. qPCR analysis showing the effect of CyA treatment on both mutant alleles. CyA also significantly reduced mymk expression in myog+/+ embryos. Mean fold change ± SEM from three independent experiments on pooled genotyped embryos from separate lays of myogkg125 (circles) and myogkg128 (squares and triangles) analysed on separate days, ANOVA statistic. e. ISH for mymk on myogkg125 siblings (related to Fig. 6b). Replicate numbers are given in Supplementary Table 2. Bars = 50 μm.