Fig. 5
Strong immunostaining of Adamts9 was observed in the follicular cells of wildtype (wt) fish (A). (A) Representative images of a stage IVb follicle stained with hematoxylin and eosin or immunostained with an antibody against metalloproteinase domain of human ADAMTS9 (RP5-ADMTS-9, Triple Point Biologics, Forest Grove, Oregon), (B) Representative images of a stage IVb follicle of Pgr-KO zebrafish fish stained at same time, (C) Negative control, representative images of a stage IVb follicle of wildtype zebrafish fish stained at same time but the primary antibody was replaced with normal rabbit serum. Pictures located on the bottom of panels are magnified images of the areas outlined on the top panels. Immunostaining are shown on the left side of panels, while HE stains of adjacent sections are shown on the right side of panels. Arrows indicate follicular cells. Similar results were obtained when RP1-ADAMTS-9 antibody used (data not shown).