Fig. 6
Mutations in zebrafish col11a2 result in changes that trigger premature OA. (a,b) Three-dimensional renders from µCTs of 1-year-old wt and col11a2 heterozygous mutant (col11a2+/−). (a) Yellow arrow, jaw joint; dashed green arrow, region of jaw protrusion in col11a2+/−; green arrow, region of hypoplasia in fronto-nasal skeleton. (b) Higher magnification image of joint region where dashed yellow line, inter-joint space. (c,d) Paraffin sections of the jaw joint stained with (c) Alcian blue and haematoxylin/eosin and (d) PicroSirius red. Dashed black line, cartilage layer; black arrows, underlying bone; dashed white line, cartilage; white arrow, bone (green). (e) SHG, asterisks pointing to areas of thinner fibres not detected by SHG, red arrows, thicker collagen bundles on abnormal orientation. Scale bars, 50 µm.