Fig. S3
Overexpression of GFP-Gpc4 rescues defects in length of body axis and convergence of anterior endoderm in gpc4 mutant embryos.
(A-D) Representative images of indicated Tg(sox17:H2A-mCherry) embryos injected with or without GPF-gpc4 RNA at 22s. Anterior-dorsal view; white lines of equivalent length indicate width of the anterior endodermal sheets. A, anterior; P, posterior. (E) Quantification of the width of the anterior endodermal sheet in each group of embryos shown in (A-D). Data represent mean±s.e.m. The number of embryos is indicated. #, P>0.05; **, P<0.01, student’s t-test.(F-I) Bright-field images of groups of embryos derived from crosses of gpc4(+/-) injected with or without GPF-gpc4 RNA at 22s and 54 hpf. Red asterisks indicate gpc4 homozygous embryos with a short anterior-posterior body axis.