Fig. 4

Figures for Yu et al., 2018
Figure Caption

Fig. 4

Targeted disruption of ar in zebrafish causes male infertility due to defective spermatogenesis. (A-C) Gross appearance of testes from wildtype (ar +/+), heterozygous (ar +/-) and homozygous (ar -/-) (ar ihb1225/ihb1225) zebrafish. Testes of ar -/- male zebrafish was smaller and more transparent compared with that in their ar +/+ or ar +/- male siblings. (D) Gonadosomatic index (GSI) in ar+/+ and ar-/- male zebrafish. (E) Sperm motility evaluation under a dark-phase microscope. (F, G) Histology of testes from wildtype (ar +/+) and homozygous (ar -/-) (ar ihb1225/ihb1225) zebrafish at 3 mpf. Compared with wildtype sibling testes, spermatogenesis in ar -/- testes was delayed as indicated by more spermatogonia (SG), fewer spermatocytes (SC) and fewer spermatozoa (SZ); the spermatogenetic cysts were smaller; and spermatogenesis was arrested at the second meiosis. (H, I) Toluidine blue staining testes from wildtype (ar +/+) and homozygous (ar -/-) (ar ihb1225/ihb1225) zebrafish at 3 mpf. Compared with wildtype sibling testes, the size of spermatogonia (SG) was bigger and the number of Sertoli cells was increased in ar -/- testes. Leydig cells (LC) and lumen are indicated. Dpf, days post fertilization; Mpf, months post fertilization.

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