Fig. S3
Fignl1 depletion does not perturb the specification, localization, or survival of SMNs. (A) Immunolabeling of SMNs (MNs), RB sensory neurons, and GABAergic interneurons in 26-hpf MOCtl and MOFignl1 embryos with Islet1/2 (green) and GABA (red) antibodies. Lateral views of the trunk; anterior is to the left. Bar, 50 μm. (B and C) Mean number (Nb.) of MNs, RB neurons, and GABAergic interneurons (GABA). Quantifications were performed on 26-hpf control (n = 22) and morphant (n = 21) embryos pooled from three independent experiments. 12 hemisegments were analyzed in the anterior (B) and posterior regions (C) of each embryonic trunk. ***, P ≤ 0.001; unpaired two-tailed t test. Error bars are SEM. (D) Immunolabeling of activated caspase 3 (red) and the neuronal postmitotic marker HuC/D (green; left) or caspase 3 alone (red; right) in 26- (left) or 56-hpf (right) MOCtl and MOFignl1 embryos and larvae. Insets represent higher magnifications of the indicated boxed regions. Fignl1 knockdown does not induce apoptotic cell death of spinal neurons. Bars, 30 μm.