Fig. 6
DNAAF1-dependent left-sided asymmetric expression of RUVBL1 at the zebrafish Kupffer’s vesicle: (A) in situ hybridization (ISH) of Ruvbl1 expression at Kupffer’s vesicle (thin dashed black line) in wild-type heterozygous dnaaf1+/− and mutant homozygous dnaaf1−/− zebrafish embryos, at the 5 to 9 somite stages, visualized from dorsal views as indicated in the top left inset. Localized expression is indicated by arrowheads, and the mid-line of the notochord is shown by the thick dashed black line. Left (L) and right (R) sides are indicated. (B) Bar graph shows a significantly higher proportion of wild-type zebrafish (+/−) have left-sided localisation of ruvbl1 when compared to diffused central localization in mutant (−/−) embryos (P = 0.0023, unpaired Student’s t-test). (C) Additional examples of ruvbl1 expression at Kupffer’s vesicle in unaffected dnaaf1+/− heterozygous and dnaaf1−/− affected mutant zebrafish embryos.