Fig. 1
OMP class OSNs project to a limited number of identifiable protoglomeruli but express a wide variety of ORs. a A confocal optical section through the olfactory bulb of a double transgenic 3 dpf embryo showing that OMP class ciliated (green) and TRPC2 class microvillous (red) sensory neurons target non-overlapping protoglomeruli. b OMP class neurons innervate the CZ, DZ, LG3, and to a lesser extent, MG protoglomeruli. c RNA-seq data from 2 dpf FAC sorted and pooled OMP:RFP expressing OSNs. Approximately ½ of the OR gene repertoire is expressed at an average level of over 1 cpm in the pool as a whole (dashed line). d Expression of or111–11 as visualized by in situ hybridization of its mRNA in a 3 dpf embryo. e The average numbers of OSNs expressing selected ORs at 3 dpf. Scale bars: 20 μm