Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Expression of genes involved in retinal neurogenesis was detected by in situ hybridization at 36hpf and 48hpf. (A,F) At 36hpf, vsx2 is expressed in the retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) and turned off as they differentiate, first in the central retina (A, dotted area). This zone of differentiation is still present in tet2-/-;tet3-/- mutant (F, dotted area). (K,P) At 48hpf, expression of vsx2 is slightly expanded in tet2-/-;tet3-/- mutants (K,P arrows) but otherwise appears in a normal pattern. (B,C,G,H,L,M,Q,R) Expression of pax6a (marker for RPC, amacrine, and ganglion cells) and neuroD4 (marker for amacrine, horizontal, and bipolar cells) is relatively normal in tet2-/-;tet3-/- mutants when compared to sibling embryos at both 36hpf and 48hpf. (D,I,N,S) Ganglion cell precursors express atoh7 as they exit the RPC pool, become specified and start undergoing differentiation. atoh7 expression is present in the correct location in tet2-/-;tet3-/- mutants, compared to sibling embryos at both 36hpf and 48hpf. (E,J,O,T) crx is expressed in cells fated to become photoreceptors (rods and cones) and this expression pattern appears relatively normal in tet2-/-;tet3-/- mutants. Scale bar = 20μm. n>8 per gene for each time point. Drawings on bottom row represent cell type detected in each corresponding column.