Fig. 3 Combined genetic deficiency of kdm6ba and kdm6bb causes pleiotropic larval development defects. (A-D) Whole mount stitched DIC microscopy images of clutch mate 5 dpf larvae of the indicated genotypes. (A’ & D’) Zoomed anterior region of the control and kdm6ba-/-; kdm6bb-/- fish shown in A and D, respectively. Yellow arrows mark the absence of an inflated swim bladder. The black arrow and black arrowhead highlight the slack jaw and cardiac edema phenotypes, respectively, of a kdm6ba-/-; kdm6bb-/- larvae. (E) Viability table showing the expected versus observed adult genotype frequencies from kdm6ba+/-; kdm6bb+/- in-crosses. (F) Bar graph displaying relative kdm6ba and kdm6bb transcript levels in 30 hpf wildtype embryos. Data is normalized to rpl18 expression. P-value is from a Student's two-tailed t-test with error bars showing one standard deviation. (G, H) Whole mount dorsal view of 5 dpf control and clutch mate kdm6ba/kdm6bb-deficient larvae. (I, J) H&E-stained sagittal sections through 7 dpf larvae centered on the swim bladder (asterisk). (K, L) Sagittal whole mount view of alcian blue stained 5 dpf larvae. (M-P) Flat mounts of alcian blue-stained 5 dpf (M, N) and 7 dpf (O, P) larvae of the indicated genotypes. Black arrows mark the basihyal cartilage. (Q-T) H&E-stained sagittal (Q, R) and coronal (S, T) midline sections through 7 dpf kdm6bb-null and kdm6ba/kdm6bb-double deficient larvae. Arrows indicate the basihyal cartilage and arrowheads point at the cartilage's associated ligament. 50 or 100 μm scale bars are shown.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 426(1), Akerberg, A.A., Henner, A., Stewart, S., Stankunas, K., Histone demethylases Kdm6ba and Kdm6bb redundantly promote cardiomyocyte proliferation during zebrafish heart ventricle maturation, 84-96, Copyright (2017) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.