Fig. S5
No apparent defects in musculature or primary motoneurons in doc2a+/- fam57ba+/- or fam57ba-/- mutants. A) Muscle fibers in wild-type embryos stained with phalloidin 635. B) Wild-type caudal primary (CaP) motoneurons in a different embryo labeled with znp1 antibody, which binds to synaptotagmin. C) Labeling of both muscle fibers and CaP motoneurons in a different embryo shows one CaP motoneuron axon per muscle segment. Intersegmental boundaries indicated with arrows. D-F) Muscle fibers and CaP motoneurons in doc2a+/- fam57ba+/- double heterozygous embryos show no significant differences from wild-type. G-I) Muscle fibers and CaP motoneurons in fam57ba-/- homozygous mutant embryos show no significant differences from wild-type.