Fig. 7 S1

Figures for Poureetezadi et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 S1

Overexpression of mecom cRNA failed to rescue the distal late segment in indomethacin treated embryos.

(A) Embryos were microinjected with 70 pg of mecom cRNA then treated with either 0.3% DMSO or 30 µM indomethacin from 4 hpf to 24 hpf. Embryos were then stained for the DL (slc12a3) (purple) and the somites (red) using WISH at the 24 hpf stage. Black bars indicate segment gene expression domain. Red scale bar, 70 µm. (B) The DL was quantified in triplicate with at least 20 embryos per control and experimental group by categorizing embryos into phenotypes determined by somites parallel to segment expression. Data are represented as ± SD, significant by t test comparing each drug treatment to the corresponding DMSO control group, ***p<0.0005.

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