Fig. S7
CRISPR mediated knockout of ELMO1 causes an increase in apoptotic cells within the zebrafish embryo as well as the pronephros.
A. Activated Caspase 3 assay was carried out on Co. CRISPR injected Tg(wt1b:EGFP) embryos at 48 hpf. The embryos showed no incidence of apoptosizing cells (indicated with the red spots) within the renal structure. B. ELMO1 CRISPR injected embryos showed a strong incidence of apoptosizing cells (red spots) universally as well as within the renal structure, which is quantified in the graph C. The number of embryos per condition analysed are 11. The white line indicates a scale bar representing 100 μm, the white arrow head indicated an enlarged glomerulus and the white asterisk illustrates shortening of the glomerular neck of the ELMO1 crispants as compared to the control. The white dotted circle encloses the glomerulus of the zebrafish pronephros.