Fig. S3
Effects of NDRG1a-1 knockdown with a morpholino against ndrg1a-1 (MO1a-1). (a) At 96 hpf, effects of MO1a-1 on photoreceptors were examined. In the retinas of control morpholino-injected (Control) and MO1a-1-injected fish (MO1a-1), expression of rhodopsin and rod transducin were immunodetected. (b) From studies as shown in (a), rod OS area was determined from rhodopsin-immunopositive region (left panels in a) and the number of rods was determined from rod transducin-immunopositive cells (middle panels in a). From these determination, relative rod OS area per rod (left) and relative rhodopsin concentration (right) were estimated for the retinas of control and MO1a-1-injected fish (n = 11 for both Control and MO1a-1). (c) In the retina from MO1a-1-injected fish, red/green-sensitive opsin was immunodetected. (d) Relative cone OS area (left) and relative concentration of red/green-sensitive opsin (right) were estimated in the retinas of control and MO1a-1-injected fish as in (b) (n = 11 for Control and n = 9 for MO1a-1). Magnifications are the same in (a) and (c) (scale bar, 10 μm). *P < 0.005, **P < 0.0000005.