Fig. 2
Morphological alterations of ia2/ia2 mutant at 24 hpf.
(A, A’) Head side view: mutant embryos display a relevant delay in head structures development, with just sketchy eye, when visible. (B, B’) Somites side view, showing their poorly defined shape and boundaries in the mutant. Globular cells with impaired adhesion are also visible. (C, C’) Notochord dorsal view: in mutant embryos notochord bending on the coronal plane is evident. (D, D’) Notochord side view, showing how notochord cells structure is also affected in mutant embryos, with globular and disorganized vacuoles, compared to the stretched and flanked ones of the wild-type. (E, E’) Tail terminal portion, side view: the notochord is indistinguishable in the mutant and the mesenchyme seems disaggregated with many non-adherent globular cells. Scale bar 50 μm.