Fig. S3
careg:dmKO2 is transiently expressed in the peri-injured myocardium during heart regeneration.
(a-j) Immunofluorescence staining of careg:dmKO2;cmlc2:EGFP heart sections labelled with antibodies against GFP (cardiac cells, blue) and embCMHC (green) at different time points after cryoinjury. N=4. (a-b) At 4 dpci, careg:dmKO2+ CMs emerge along the wound margin. (c-f) At 7 and 14 dpci, a large proportion of careg:dmKO2+ CMs activates the expression of embCMHC. (g-h) At 30 dpci, careg:dmKO2 expression declines in the trabecular myocardium, but the primordial layer was not fully restored in the regenerated part of the ventricle. (i-j) At 90 dpci, the myocardium is completely regenerated, but the expression of careg:dmKO2 is not completely reestablished in the subcortical region. The arrowheads indicate the position of the gap in the subcorical layer.