Fig. S9
Developmental dynamics of careg:dmKO2 expression in the zebrafish heart.
(a-c) Longitudinal sections of careg:dmKO2;cmlc2:EGFP transgenic hearts at different time points during development, labelled with DAPI (nuclei, blue) and antibodies against GFP (green, cardiac cells) and KO2 (red). (a, b) careg:dmKO2 is expressed in all embryonic cardiomyocytes at 1 and 3 dpf. (c) At 14 dpf, careg:dmKO2 is maintained in the outer compact layer of the ventricle, whereas it is downregulated in the trabecular myocardium. careg:dmKO2 is also expressed in the bulbus arteriosus. N ≥ 5. dpf, days post-fertilization; V, ventricle; BA, bulbus arteriosus; A, atrium.