Fig. S10
Control experiments for careg lineage tracing analysis of heart and fin regeneration.
(a) Schematic representation of the transgenic strains and the experimental design for lineage tracing of careg-expressing primordial CMs during ventricle regeneration. (b-e) Immunostaining of uninjured ventricles treated with DMSO or 4-OHT using Tropomyosin (blue). Exposure to 4-OHT for 2 days is sufficient to label primordial CMs with zsYellow, as analysed at 7 days after the treatment (-1 day). (f) Schematic representation of the transgenic strains and the experimental design for lineage tracing of careg-expressing cells during fin regeneration. (g, h) Longitudinal fin sections at 0 and 4 dpa immunostaining for mCherry (red) and Zns5 (green). Exposure to 4-OHT for 1 day results in labelling of a few osteoblasts. (i-p) Live imaging of fins at different dpa after treatment with 4-OHT reveals only a few mCherry labelled cells in the stump and the regenerate. N ≥ 4.