Fig. S7
Non-cell autonomous Wnt/β-catenin signaling is required for glial bridging.
(a) Heat shock-induced ubiquitous overexpression of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway antagonist axin1 inhibits glia growth (visualized in her4.3:mCherry transgenic animals) across the lesion site (Fischer’s exact test: ***P<0.001) in hs:Axin1 transgenic animals.
(b) axin1 overexpression specifically in ependymoradial glial cells through DOX treatment of her4.3:TetA AmCyan;TetRE:Axin1-YFP double transgenic fish does not interfere with glial growth across the lesion site (Fischer’s exact test: n.s. indicates not significant).
(a-b) Views are lateral (dorsal is up, rostral is left). Scale bar: 100 μm. Error bars indicate s.e.m.