Fig. S4
Cavin1b-/- notochord caveola morphology, related to Figures 4 and 5.
(A) Number of caveolae per micron of linear length (caveolae/μm) across the notochord plasma membrane of 3 dpf WT and cavin1b-/- embryos.
(B) Shape quantitation (calculated as neck to depth ratio) of notochord caveolae from 3 dpf WT and cavin1b-/- embryos.
For (A-B): Data are presented as mean±SD. **** P≤ 0.0001. P values were determined using two-tailed, unpaired t-tests.
(C-D) Schematic trace of approximately 100 uncoated plasma membrane invaginations from WT (C) and cavin1b-/- (D) notochords derived from electron micrographs of the embryos from (A-B). Insets highlight the ‘average caveola’ shape of WT (C) and cavin1b-/- (D) based on the mean dimensions of the neck and depth of >60 caveolae.
For (A-D) Clutch and zebrafish number for both lines=3.
(E) Skeletal muscle ultrastructure of representative WT and cavin1b-/- zebrafish. Red arrows point to sarcolemma possessing dense caveolae. Note the lack of observable differences in skeletal muscle ultrastructure and caveola morphology and density between WT and cavin1b-/- zebrafish. n=3 fish for both groups. Bar, 1 μm.
(F) Correlative light microscopy image of a section of cavin1b-/- zebrafish notochord containing a lesion. This section was processed for electron microscopy and the lesion (highlighted by boxed area) depicted in Figure 5D.