Fig. 5

Figures for Cao et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

Knockdown of myo18ab disrupts the integrity of deeply located fast muscle cells.

(A,B) Immunofluorescence staining of fast myofibers by F310 antibody in CoMO- and myo18abMO-injected embryos. (C,D) Transverse histological sections showing the organization of deeply located fast muscle cells in control and myo18abMO-injected embryos at 96 hpf. Notice that the control embryo has myofibers with centrally located nuclei, while the morphant embryo shows disorganized myofibers with nuclei located at the periphery. nt, neural tube; nc, notochord; s, somite. Scale bars: (A,B) 100 μm; (C,D) 50 μm.

Figure Data
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