Fig. 2
RNA foci formation in transgenic zebrafish. a, b Cy3-labeled in situ probe detected dot-like structures in spinal cord in GA80-GFPa/b and ggggcc80-GFP zebrafish. b Foci were only detected in GA80-GFP and ggggcc-GFP fish whereas no foci were detected in wild-type and GA2-GFPa/b fish at 28 hpf. GA80-GFPa zebrafish were treated with RNaseA or DNase. Scale bar 10 μm. c Pericardial edema phenotype observed in ggggcc80-GFP zebrafish at 4 dpf. Phenotypic features are classified as wild-type, mild edema, and severe edema. d The average percentages of phenotypic fish of the three different phenotypic classes at 4 dpf are indicated in the bargraph (at least three independent clutches were analyzed with n ≥ 14)