Fig. S3
Expression of mesodermal maturation genes in FGF overactivated tailbud and expression domains of vimr1 and tbx16 in the wildtype tailbud. HS:cafgfr1 and wildtype embryos were heat-shocked at bud stage and fixed at 8-somite stage to examine the effect of FGF overactivation on maturation gene expression. Overactivation of FGF leads to strong expression of tbx16 and msgn1, which expands into the NMP region (C, C', D, D') compared to the control (A, A', B, B'). Double fluorescent in situ hybridization of tbx16 and vimr1 ina wild-type 20-somite stage embryo. As the mesodermal progenitors move from the dorsal region to ventral region, the cells turn on vimr1 and tbx16 (E, E', E'', E'''). However, as the cells enter the maturation zone in the lateral regions, the cells turn of vimr1 (F, F', F'', F''').