Fig. S2
Lineage tracing efficiency using Tg ubi:creERT2 and drl:creERT2. a) Transverse vibratome-sections of posterior trunk region (ubi:creERT2;ubi:Switch). An ubiquitous creERT2 driver line has a switching efficacy of 60-70%. Sections were imaged with the Zeiss LSM710 40x objective (scale bar 50µm). The merged channel composes EGFP, mCherry and DAPI. b) Transverse vibratome-sections of posterior trunk region (dr:creERT2;ubi:Switch). Close ups of intestinal region. iSMCs are stained via Transgelin antibody to compare with lineage labeling by drl:creERT2 (scale bar 15µm). The merged channel composes EGFP, mCherry, Tagln and DAPI. Blue = nuclei. Scale bar, 20 μm.