Fig. 6
snap25 can regulate the clustering of sodium channels and neurofascin along the PLLn and increase the clustering of sodium channels in ndrg4 mutants.
(A-C) lateral views of control (A), snap25 morphant (B) and snap25 MO+snap25b mRNA (C) embryos at 72hpf. (D,F,H) lateral views of acetylated tubulin staining showing the PLLn in control (D), snap25 morphant (F) and snap25 MO+snap25b mRNA (H) embryos at 4dpf. (E-I”) lateral views of sodium channels and acetylated tubulin staining along the PLLn of control (E-E”), snap25 morphant (G-G”) and snap25MO+ snap25b mRNA (I-I”) embryos at 4dpf. (J,K) Quantification of the sodium channel and neurofascin clustering, data are represented as mean±sem. Scale bars = 200 μm, 60 μm and 5 μm in (C), (F) and (I,I”) respectively. Transmission electron micrographs showing cross-section through (L) control and (M) snap25 morphant’s PLLn at 4 dpf. (L) Control PLLn shows an average of 10.7 myelinated axons (blue asterisks). (M) An average of 9.13 myelinated axons (blue asterisks) is also observed in the snap25 morphant embryo’s PLLn. (S: Schwann cell). Scale bars = 0.5μm. (N) Quantification of the number of nodes seen in the PLLn in controls, ndrg4 morphants and ndrg4 morphants injected with 150pg of snap25b mRNA. (O) Quantification of the number of nodes seen in the PLLn in controls, ndrg4 mutants and ndrg4 mutants injected with 150pg of snap25b mRNA.