Fig. S8
Ectopic YAP expression induces brain tumour development. A) Schematic representation of tumour induction through the injection of oncogenic constructs (green) into zic:Gal4 embryos. B) Stereo image of a tumour developed in zic:YAPsomatic. C) YAP target gene expression in zic:Gal4 control brains and zic:YAPsomatic tumours. D) Immunostaining for BrdU, GFAP and HU-C of zic:YAPsomatic tumours. E) Survival rate of zic:RASsomatic (green dashed line) and zic:YAPsomatic (red dotted line) compared to zic:Gal4 (black solid line, black asterix). Data are represented as mean ± SD. Scale bars: B = 2 mm; G = 20 μm; *p-value<0.05.