Fig. 5
Reduced growth of Hm cartilage in jag1b mutants.
(A-F) kikGR RNA was injected into control fli1a:EGFP or jag1b; fli1a:EGFP embryos, and kikGR protein was photoconverted in small groups of GFP+ arch NCCs using a UV laser at 36 hpf. The same larvae were then reimaged at 6 dpf to assess contributions of kikGR-converted cells (magenta) to cartilage. In both controls (A-C) and jag1b mutants (D-F), photoconverted cells from the anterior, center, and posterior regions of the dorsal second arch contributed to the anterior Hm (A,D), posterior Hm (B,E) and posterior edge of the Hm and opercle bone (C,F). Relative to controls, labeled NCCs from jag1b mutants contributed to qualitatively smaller domains of cartilage by 6 dpf. Reproducible differences were seen in each mutant or control examined, with n numbers listed in each panel. (G) Summary of these fate maps showing contribution to anterior Hm (red), posterior Hm (dark blue), and opercle bone (light blue). Scale bars = 20 μm.