Fig. 2
U251, U87, and HT1080 cells exhibit different growth patterns in the zebrafish optic tectum and stimulate an intensive microglia response. Representative confocal images of the optic tectum of mpeg1:EGFP zebrafish transplanted with U251mCherry (U251) glioblastoma cells, U87mCherry (U87) glioblastoma cells, and HT1080mCherry (HT1080) fibrosarcoma cells at 3 dpf. (A–C) Images from top to bottom are in chronological order showing 0, 2, and 4 dpt of U251 cells; (A′–C′) Higher magnification of regions of interest in (A–C) to highlight interactions of microglia (green) and U251 cells (red). U251 cellular projections are marked with a white arrow. Microglia interacting with U251 cells are marked with a white arrowhead. (D–F) Images from top to bottom are in chronological order showing 0, 2, and 4 dpt of U87 cells; (D′–F′) Higher magnification of regions of interest in (D–F) to highlight interactions of microglia (green) and U87 cells (red). U87 cellular projections are marked with a white arrow. Microglia interacting with U87 cells are marked with a white arrowhead. (G–I) Images from top to bottom are in chronological order showing 0, 2, and 4 dpt of HT1080 cells; (G′–I′) Higher magnification of regions of interest (G–I) to highlight interactions of microglia (green) and HT1080 cells (red). Microglia interacting with HT1080 cells are marked with a white arrowhead. Scale bars for (A–I): 50 μm. Scale bars for (A′–I′): 30 μm. All images represent maximum intensity projections of confocal stacks. Images were captured using an Andor spinning disk confocal microscope with a 20 × /NA 0.75 objective. Insets in (A, G, and D) show the orientation of samples (anterior to the top) and the region imaged (white rectangle). dpf, days postfertilization; dpt, days posttransplantation