Fig. 2
Spatiotemporal expression of nr2f1a during development.
(A) nr2f1a expression can be observed at the 18S stage in the lateral plate mesoderm (lpm), the telencephalon (t), diencephalon (d) and hindbrain (h). (A′) Dorsal view of embryos show that nr2f1a is expressed at lpm and the axial vessels (av). (B, B′) At 24 hpf, nr2f1a is expressed in the telencephalon (t), diencephalon (d), hindbrain (h), as well as in vessels (v), and caudal vein plexus (CVP) of the trunk. B′ is an enlargement of B. (C, D) Cross sections of embryos from B′ show that nr2f1a is expressed in dorsal aorta (da), posterior cardinal vein (pcv), and caudal vein plexus (CVP). (E, E′) At 30 hpf, nr2f1a expression continues in the head, vessels (v), intersegmental vessels (ISV) and caudal vein plexus (CVP) of the trunk. E′ is an enlargement of E. Scale bars in all figures represent 100 µm.