Fig. 6
Close association of CA2a, CA15a, Nhe3b, and Rhcg1 visualized by in situ proximity ligation immunoassay (PLA). (A-C) Zebrafish gills were fixed with 4% PFA, incubated with two primary antibodies (a1: rabbit anti-CA2a and rat anti-Nhe3b; b1: rabbit anti-CA15a and rat anti-Nhe3b; and c1: rabbit anti-Rhcg1 and rat anti-Nhe3b), and processed for detecting protein-protein interaction in situ with a Duolink assay kit. Each red signal represents an interaction detected by the kit based on proximity-dependent DNA ligation. (b3) Simultaneous visualization of CA15a by using Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated anti-rat IgG as secondary antibody (green). Blue signals representing nuclei were enhanced in a2, b2, and c2 to show the gill structure. Red PLA signals were enhanced in a1, and b1 but not in c1.