Fig. 3
Microscopic observation of the hematopoietic organs in the Prkdc-null SCID zebrafish. (A) ISH and H&E images of the thymus. The ISH experiment for Rag1 in the SCID zebrafish embryo at 4 dpf showed that the mutant zebrafish contained a very rudimentary thymus development (dotted red circle). H&E staining images at 3 months of age showed that the number of lymphocytes was severely decreased in the SCID zebrafish (prkdc-/-) compared with the heterozygote (prkdc+/-). (B) Microscopic observation of the zebrafish kidney. The retroperitoneal hematopoietic kidney tissue appears as dark linear structure. The tissue appeared as thinner with less density in the SCID zebrafish compared with that of the heterozygote (red arrowhead). H&E staining of the kidney also showed the consistency in which the kidney of the SCID zebrafish was thinner than that of the heterozygote and contained scanty hematopoietic cells between the renal tubules. (C) Gross and H&E images of spleen. The spleen of the SCID zebrafish was much smaller than that of the heterozygote. Compared with the spleen of the heterozygote, small number of lymphocytes was shown to be scattered between splenocytes in the SCID zebrafish.