Fig. 4
Kremen1 modulates hair cell number in zebrafish neuromasts.
(A) A lateral view of a whole mount fish expressing Tg(cldnB:GFP). This fish has wild type distribution of neuromasts. Neuromasts O2 and P1 are labelled. (B) A lateral view of a whole mount fish mutant for Kremen1 and expressing Tg(cldnB:GFP). This fish has fewer neuromasts in the posterior tail region. Neuromasts O2 and P1 are labelled. Images provided by Drs H. McGraw and A. Nechiporuk. (C-E) Kremen1 mutants have excess hair cells per neuromast. (C) Mutants have a significant increase in hair cells in neuromasts O2 and P1. Asterisk (*) indicates p < 0.005. Hair cells (Parvalbumin, red) in neuromast O2 of a wild type fish (D) or a Kremen1 mutant fish (E). (F-H) Kremen1 over expression reduces hair cell numbers. (F) Fish injected with Kremen1 capped RNA have fewer hair cells per neuromast than control (phenol red) injected fish, asterisk (*) denotes p < 0.005. Hair cells (GFP) in neuromast P1, of a control injected (G) or Kremen1 capped RNA injected (H) fish. Scale bar indicates 10 µm. All error bars represent standard deviation.