Fig. 3
Wnt Signaling Regulates Hypothalamic Progenitor Proliferation and Differentiation
(A) pH3+ and BrdU+/Sox3+ cell numbers in the 32hpf hypothalamus following 2 hr labeling and Wnt pathway inhibition or activation at 24 hpf.
(B) BrdU+ cell numbers in the 4 dpf posterior recess following 2 hr labeling and Wnt pathway inhibition or activation at 3 dpf.
(C) BrdU+ cell fates in the 4 dpf hypothalamus following labeling and Wnt pathway inhibition or activation at 3 dpf.
(D) Percentage of BrdU+ cells expressing dlx5/6:gfp following Wnt pathway activation at 3 dpf.
(E) BrdU+ cell fates in the adult hypothalamus following 2-day labeling and Wnt pathway inhibition or activation for 15 days.
(F) Number of Gal4+ and BLBP+ cells in the 4 dpf posterior recess following Wnt pathway inhibition or activation at 3 dpf. All cell counts were collected from ventral maximum intensity confocal Z projections through five individual brains. The entire hypothalamus was counted at 32 hpf, the entire posterior recess was counted at 4 dpf, and a hemisphere of the posterior recess was counted in adults. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.005. Error = ±SD.
See also Figure S4.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 23(3), Wang, X., Kopinke, D., Lin, J., McPherson, A.D., Duncan, R.N., Otsuna, H., Moro, E., Hoshijima, K., Grunwald, D.J., Argenton, F., Chien, C.B., Murtaugh, L.C., and Dorsky, R.I., Wnt signaling regulates postembryonic hypothalamic progenitor differentiation, 624-636, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell