Fig. 4
The POC is surrounded by sdc4. Compiled confocal sections of wholemount zebrafish brains at 28 hpf stained for sdc4 expression (B, E, H, K, and in red A, D, G, J) and HNK-1 (C, F, I, L and in green A, D, G, J), dorsal to the top and rostral to the left in all panels except (J-L) where rostral is facing. Panels D-F show a high magnification view of the telencephalon and diencephalon and Panels G-I show a high magnification view of the ventrocaudal cluster. Expression is absent from the Telencephalon (T) and Tectum (Tt), being concentrated in the dorsal diencephalon (unfilled arrow in D), isthmus (unfilled arrow in A) and in the rostral diencephalon, in the vicinity of the optic stalk, where it surrounds the post-optic commissure POC (asterix in A, D and J). Abbreviations; anterior commissure (AC), dorsorostral cluster (drc), post-optic commissure (POC), tectum (Tt), tegmentum (Tm), telencephalon (T), ventral diencephalon (vD), ventral caudal cluster (vcc), ventrorostral cluster (vrc). Scalebar in C is 100 µm, scale bar in F, I and L is 25 µm.
Reprinted from Gene expression patterns : GEP, 13(3-4), Hofmeister, W., Devine, C.A., and Key, B., Distinct expression patterns of syndecans in the embryonic zebrafish brain, 126-32, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene Expr. Patterns