Fig. 6
Lack of Ncad leads to ectopic neurons in dorsal regions of mid-hindbrain and axonal projection defects. Anti-acetylated tubulin immunostaining in (A,C,E,G) wild type and (B,D,F,H) pac fr7 mutant; 60 hpf; dorsal/ventral views (A,B,E,F) and lateral view (C,D) of the head, and lateral view of the trunk anterior of the anus (G,H). (A-D) Arrow in A indicates tectal commissures missing in B. Arrows in B,D indicate large dorsal neurons projecting axons to each other (B) and ventrally (D). (E,F) Arrows indicate optic nerves crossing the midline in optic chiasma in E, but not in F. (G,H) Left arrow in H indicates branching intersomitic axon, right arrow indicates two converging axons from different motoneurons.