Fig. 8
Adult gonadal morphology and gametogenesis do not differ between gnrh3+/+ and gnrh3-/- fish for both males and females.
(A-D) Gross gonadal morphology of adult male (A,C) and female (B,D) fish of both genotypes: gnrh3+/+ (A,B) and gnrh3-/- (C,D). (E-H) Gonadal histology with hematoxylin and eosin staining, demonstrating no differences between gnrh3+/+ and gnrh3-/- gametogenesis for both males and females. Male gnrh3-/- testes contain spermatozoa in the lumens of testicular cysts (G), similar to gnrh3+/+ testes (E). Female gnrh3-/- ovaries contain all stages of vitellogenesis (H), including late-vitellogenic oocytes, which is similar to gnrh3+/+ ovaries (F). White asterisks = mature spermatozoa in lumens of spermatocysts. Black stars = mature, late vitellogenic oocytes. Scale bars = 125 µm (testes) and 250 µm (ovaries).