Fig. S9
The rescue and phenocopy of mibnn2002 phenotypes. In rescue experiments, her4 WISH was carried out in the mib mRNA (1 ng/µl) injected mibta52b and mibnn2002 embryos. 19 hpf embryos in lateral views with head toward left were shown. The expression of her4 was rescued (increased) by mib mRNA in mibta52b and mibnn2002 homozygotes. huc WISH was carried out in the mib2 mRNA (1 ng/µl) injected mibta52b and mib mRNA (1 ng/µl) injected mibnn2002 embryos. 19 hpf embryos in flat mount with head toward top were shown. huc was rescued (decreased) by mib2 mRNA in mibta52b and mib mRNA in mibnn2002 homozygotes. In phenocopy experiments, mib morpholino injected-wt and -mibnn2002 embryos were examined. Morpholino can successfully convert 36% of wt and 27% mibnn2002 siblings into embryos that exhibit typical mib phenotypes (ta52blike). However, the morpholino failed to convert the mibnn2002 homozygous embryos into embryos having typical mib phenotypes. The ratio of embryos carried mibnn2002 phenotype is 21% without injection and 26% with injection. The ratio of embryos that exhibited mibnn2002 phenotypes was not reduced with the injection of mib morpholino.