Fig. 5
Morphological and molecular phenotypes upon PrP overexpression. a. Shield formation (red arrowhead) in 6 hpf embryos. See also Additional file 2: Video S1. b. Levels of E-cadherin, β-catenin and SFKs in 6 hpf embryos expressing mouse PrP. E-cadherin arrowheads as in Fig. 1. c. Effect of protein degradation inhibitors on the β-catenin levels of PrP-OE embryos. d. Dorsoventral distribution of AJ molecules upon PrP overexpression. Lateral views (midsections) of whole 6 hpf embryos, along with fluorescence profiles through the dorsoventral axis (indicated by red arrows; V = ventral, D = dorsal). See also Additional file 1: Figures S4 and S6. e. Close-up from (d) showing aberrant morphology of dorsal deep cells expressing mouse PrP. WB = Western blot; IF = immunofluorescence. Densitometric analysis of Western blot bands (b and c) is expressed in arbitrary units (AU); average values of four experiments ± SEM are shown; statistical significance was assessed using unpaired, two-tailed t-tests; ns = not significant (p > 0.05), * = p ≤ 0.05