Fig. S2
Emergence of clonal dominance can result from inherent functional differences between T-ALL clones.
(a) Donor animals engrafted with monoclonal T-ALL arising in the CG1 background. (b-c) Monoclonal T-ALLs were implanted into syngeneic CG1 strain fish and assessed for LPC frequency by limiting dilution cell transplantation (b) or latency of regrowth (c). T-ALLs have significantly different LPC frequency and latency, with p-values noted on each panel. (d-e) Confocal imaging of engrafted rag2E450fs (casper) fish at 14 dpt (d) and 25 dpt (e). White arrow denotes site of injection and imaging. Pie chart shows the relative proportion of each fluorescent clone contained within the imaging panel shown. Scale bars equal 5 mm in whole animal images and 50 µm in confocal images.