Fig. 5

Figures for van Boxtel et al., 2015
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

Temporal Regulation of Lft1/2 Translation by miR-430s

(A) WISH for pri-miR-430 at indicated stages.

(B) WISH using LNA probes for mature miR-430a and miR-430b at 50% epiboly.

(C) Northern blot for miR-430a and miR-430b at indicated stages using the same probes as in (B). mat, mature miRNA; pre, pre-miRNA.

(D) Western blot for endogenous Lft1 and P-Smad2 in pooled, blastula-stage embryos injected with control or miR-430 MOs. Mcm6 is a loading control. epi, epiboly.

(E) Lateral views of WISH for eGFP reporter and ndr1 in 30% epiboly, Tg(ARE:eGFP) embryos injected with MOs against lft1/2, miR-430 or both.

(F) WISH for eGFP mRNA in 40% epiboly Tg(ARE:eGFP) embryos injected with control or combined lft1/2 and miR-430 MOs and treated with DMSO or SB-505124. Animal views are shown.

See also Figure S7.

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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 35, van Boxtel, A.L., Chesebro, J.E., Heliot, C., Ramel, M.C., Stone, R.K., Hill, C.S., A Temporal Window for Signal Activation Dictates the Dimensions of a Nodal Signaling Domain, 175-185, Copyright (2015) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell