Fig. 9 Zebrafish Pax2 proteins bind a putative Rdh10a enhancer.
(A) Alignment of vertebrate rdh10 genes to the zebrafish rdh10a taken from the UCSC genome browser. (B) Sequence alignment of the E2 enhancer in teleosts. Red nucleotides indicate the predicted Pax2 binding site. Blue indicates the Pea3 binding site (C-E) Representative images from transient transgenic embryos with rdh10a E2-enhancer expression in the notochord, heart, and eye. (F) Mutations that were made in the promoter of the rdh10a E2-enhancer and the oligos used for EMSA. (G,H) EMSA with the WT and mutated Pax2 sites and zebrafish Pax2a and Pax2b.