Fig. S2
Injection with i3e4 MO gives retinotectal phenotype similar to e3i3 MO.
(a) The i3e4 MO targeted to the i3e4 splice junction in Igf2bp1 pre-mRNA. (b-g) Transmitted light images of whole 3 dpf i3e4 MO-injected morphants. (h-u) 3D projections made from confocal z-stacks take with a 20x lens on a confocal microscope, of Tg(isl2b:mCherryCAAX)zc23 3 dpf embryos stained with α-DsRed (red) and counterstained with TO-PRO-3 (blue), with one example each for uninjected (h), or injected with negative control MO (l), and three examples each injected with e3i3 MO (mild (i-k), moderate (p-r)) or i3e4 MO (mild (m-o), moderate (s-u)).