Fig. 1
Lrp5 sequence alignment and expression pattern.
(A) Schematic illustration of predicted Lrp5 protein domains (top). Numbers indicate amino acid positions and refer to human Lrp5. Grey boxes represent signal peptide (1–32) and transmembrane domain (TM), respectively. β-1 to β-4 indicate β-propeller domains 1 to 4. The β-1 domain is proposed to bind to Sost. Bottom: Alignment of amino acid sequences in the β-1 domain. Glycine at position 171, which is mutated to valine in human patients with high bone mass phenotypes [25] is highlighted in grey. (B-F) Spatiotemportal expression of lrp5 during embryonic and larval development: Expression at 10 ss (B), 25 ss (C,D), 48 hpf (E) and 72 hpf (F). Anterior is to the left in B,C,E,F and to the top in D.